Page 7 - Master Mentalism (Ryan Clark) : Flip It & Read It
P. 7
Is It Right For You?
It doesn't matter if you are old, young or somewhere in the
middle.It doesn't matter if you're just looking for some easy
e ects to impress your friends, family & peers (and maybe
that special someone), or if you're looking to someday do this
as a career, this is your ideal êrst step.
Master Mentalism has what it takes to get your mentalism &
magic skills to whatever level you desire...
So yes, if you're still here reading this now then this is
How Quickly Will You Learn?
Our promise is that you'll be able to master multiple e ects,
tricks and routines within 30 days, but... you'll be able to
perform at least one e ect as soon as tonight!
Then, before you know it, you'll be a master of mentalism &
magic tricks, even improvising and crafting your own unique
blend of magic and mentalism that will astonish your family,
friends and make you feel like a whole new person.
Why Is It Only $4.95?
We're actually hard at work on Master Mentalism V2 right
now expanding the course with tons of new content... New
eéects... New tricks...
Master Mentalism will be even better with the new version 2!
So we decided to do this promotion where we let you have
the original uncut version of Master Mentalism Version 1
today for JUST $4.95 ($47 Real Value) .
Our hope is that by giving this to you for next to nothing you'll
become a raving fan and tell all your friends about Master